Search Intent – A Complete Guide to Your Marketing Journey

Search Intent – A Complete Guide to Your Marketing Journey

Search Intent - A Complete Guide to Your Marketing Journey

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In this article, we will discuss everything about search intent. 

So let’s get started.

What is Search Intent?

Search intent is the term used to define the purpose of a user search. It’s the reason why someone conducts a specific search.

Everyone who performs an online search is looking to find something. In the other words, why did a person make this search? To learn something? To make a purchase? Or looking for any website?

Since people look for results and use them differently based on their ultimate goal, so understanding and optimizing search intent is very important for SEO.

Why Search Intent Matters?

Google provides users the most relevant results for their search query.

If you want to rank in Google, you need to provide the most relevant result for the specific query. That means creating content that implies search intent.

So basically if you try to rank for “best Nike shoes”, then you don’t aim your landing page into the top listing result of Google. 

In this article, I’ll cover the following topics regarding search intent.

Different Types of Search Intent.

Here are the four types of search intent that are most commonly used.

Informational Intent

In this search intent, people are looking for information. That could be information about anything like “who is president of XYZ Country?” or “What is SEO?” 

I hope you get that.

Generally, this type of search starts with keyword modifiers like – who, what, how, etc.

Navigational Intent

Searcher looking for any specific website. Tey already knows where they want to go. It’s quicker for them to type the short name of that particular URL on google.

Some Examples:

  • Facebook
  • Shopify login
  • Zoom login

Commercial Intent

People with this intent are looking for a specific product or service but have to decide which one is right for them.

Mostly they are looking for a comparison between products or reviews of any specific product.


  • Best canon camera
  • Getresponse vs Convertkit
  • Clickfunnel vs Leadpages
  • Best digital marketing company in XYZ area.
  • Elementor pro review

Transactional Intent

Searchers with this type of intent are mostly like to buy a specific product. They already know what to buy and looking for the price or places to buy that product.


  • Buy Canon 200D II
  • Getresponse Price

How to optimize for search intent

Search intent optimization is creating content that answers the user’s questions or solves any specific problem.

It’s not too complicated but you have to be very strategic to understand this.

Here’s the 3 step formula to optimize your pages for search intent.

Step 1: Check SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

The very first process to optimize your pages for search intent is to analyze the top-ranking pages and the nature of the top-ranking pages.

For example, Let’s assume I have a site that discusses all the camera gear and camera body.

So if I want to create an article for the “best canon camera lenses” then I’ll search this term on Google and see what are top-ranking pages.

SERPs Example
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • reddit

As you can see, the top most ranking pages mostly discuss list post like ‘10 Best canon Lenses”, “23 top lenses’” etc.

So creating a list post would be the best idea for this topic.

Step 2: Align Your Content To Match Search Intent

Now that you understand how to understand and check SERPs, It’s time to align your topic and content to match the search intent.

How to do that?

Well, there’s a simple formula for this.

Here’s the 3 C’s of search intent.

  1. Content-type
  2. Content format
  3. Content angle

Let’s discuss more on each of these.

1. Content type

This implies the type of content shows in the top results. That means if it’s a blog post, landing page, video guide, product page, etc.

Let’s run a search and understand it more deeply.

I just run a search with the keyword “how to make chicken salad” and here’s the result

Content Type Example
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • reddit

The top search results are recipe-related blog posts, so if you create a blog post that describes how to create make a chicken salad, you can do great then.

Let’s run another one.

Take a look at this search result for the keyword “buy DSLR camera”

Content Type Example
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • reddit

The top search results are product category pages. That means if you create a blog post with this keyword, you won’t rank.

2. Content format

The content format is generally the format, how the post or pages aligns. The common formats are “how-to” guides, list posts, tutorials, reviews, comparisons, etc.

If we look at the top result like we did to understand the type, we can easily understand the content format and can create content that matches our top search result format.

Let’s have looked at this search result.

I run a search for the keyword “best SEO plugins for WordPress” and here are the top results.

Content Format Example
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • reddit

The top search results are list-type blog posts. That describes the best plugins to use in your WordPress site.

Here’s another search result for the keyword “youtube SEO”

Content Format Example
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • reddit

The top results are a step-by-step guide and some of them are in video format and some are blog posts.

That means if you can create a step-by-step guide blog post and then convert that blog post into a video guide, the chances of ranking would be high.

3. Content angle

The content angle refers to the searches that, top-ranking are mostly focused on value when they conduct a particular search.

For example: If I search for “buy men shoes online”

Content Angle Example
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • reddit

The top results are mostly focus on the words like best price, best shoes, low price etc.

So the best way to rank here is to just model the same angle and structure and try to add more value than the top ranking results.

Step 3: Understanding The Top SERPs

We have already covered most of the part about search intent and by now you have a clear concept of how to analyze this.

But wait…

You have some work pending here.

Understanding the format, the angle is not enough for you to come up with a great piece of content that ranks higher. You need to add extra value to that. I called this in my India Hindi term (Masala).

So you have to put that extra flavor into your content.

How to do that?

Well, take a look at each of the SERPs, Google not just showing you the top article and category pages. Google also adds the option “People also ask” box.

This tells you what are the common question searchers are tend to search for. So pick those questions also and try to answer the maximum number of them in your article.

Another way is to spy on the top pages and see what there cover on that post.

Go above and beyond and try to cover more on that topic in your personalized way.

Do not copy them cause that’s not gonna work. Use it as a reference and include your voice and your flavor.

How to Use Search Intent For Your Business

Create content using search intent that can optimize a user’s journey from visitors to potential customers.

Use all 4 types of search intent in your business and create content to optimize their journey. Start with Informational intent.

Stage 1 Informational Intent: 

At this stage, the user looking for a solution for their problem and they don’t know who you are. So use Informational Intent here to match their search query and provide a solution with your content.

Stage 2 Navigational Intent:

This takes time though, but you have to do it to set up your brand awareness. That needs to build trust among your brand and visitors. So that they can revisit your pages with navigational intent.

Stage 3 Commercial Intent:

When you solve their problem with your article, now they are clear of their solution, it’s time for them to decide what is the best suitable option for them to choose. Again you have to come up with the best solution with your commercial intent.

Stage 4 Transactional Intent:

It’s the final stage when the searcher knows what they are looking for. Now they are wondering the price or place to make the purchase. 

This is your time to came-up with your sales page or a product page with the transactional intent and lead them to their purchase journey.

Benefits of Search Intent Targeting

A better search intent optimization may result in more relevant and quality traffic to your site. Intent optimization helps you to boost your conversion rates.

With the intent targeting, you also reduce bounce rates.

Searchers are getting from you what they are looking for on the web, and that causes more page views and retains your visitors, and revisits them consistently.

If you can do it right, you will see the result like more qualified leads, a larger audience, and an increase in engagement.

Do follow the steps mentioned above and optimize your content marketing with search intent. Let me know in the comment section if you have any queries.

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